Homework Policy

Why I assign homework:
         Homework is important because it is a valuable aid in helping students make the most of their experience in school.  I give homework because it reinforces what has been taught in class, prepares students for upcoming lessons, and help students develop self-discipline, responsibility, positive study habits, and organizational skills.  I do not mark down grades for late work, however study skills and effort grade will be impacted.

When homework will be assigned:
          Homework will be assigned Monday through Friday night and should take no more than one hour to complete (not including long range projects and studying for tests).  Test for the week will be posted in the room Monday morning for the students to write down in their assignment notebooks.  I try  not to assign any tests for Monday.  Most homework assignments will involve internet videos, reading chapters, answering study questions, small writing or drawing projects and completing related worksheets.  Students may periodically be given the chance to correct their assignments.  The grade will be adjusted to show that extra effort.

Tests will be given periodically, usually Tuesday through Friday.  Adequate notice will be give for all tests.  Tests are a reflection of an individual child’s mastery of a subject, so there will be no curving of grades.

Students’ homework responsibilities
-All assignments will be completed
-Students are responsible for make-up work missed due to absence.
-Homework due for the day will be turned in by the time school begins in the morning.
-Students will turn in work that is neatly done.
-Students will do their homework on their own and only ask for help after they have given it their best effort.

Parents’ homework responsibilities
-Parents are the key for making homework a positive experience for their children.  Therefore I ask that you make homework a top priority, provide necessary supplies, and a quiet homework environment.  Provide praise and support.  Contact me if you notice a problem.

Teachers’ homework responsibilities
-I will check all homework and keep a record of assignments completed and not completed.  Because I believe in the value positive support plays in motivating students to develop good study habits, I will give students praise and other incentives when they do their homework.

Students may redo a class or homework assignment if the grade is below 90%.  The averge between the original and corrected work will be given.  Corrections must be turned on with the original assignment and on a separate sheet of paper.  Once a chapter test is taken corrected assignement will not longer graded.

If REDO is written on an assignment, it is a mandatory redo.  All missed problems must be fixed on a sperate sheet of paper and turned in with the original assignment.

If a math label is not on the answer of a story problem, 1/2 point will be deducted for the probem regardless of the numerical answer.
If students choose not to do their homework, the following consequences may occur:
-Students may be required to complete homework during recess time.
-Parents may be asked to check and sign completed homework in the
  assignment notebook each night.
-Students may be required to complete homework in an after-school
-Students may lose certain privileges.
Note:  Every school day an assignment is late, that assignment will be lowered one full letter grade.

If there is a legitimate reason why a student is unable to finish homework, please send a note or phone on or before the day the homework is due.  State the reasons why the homework was not completed.  The parent must sign the note.

I am looking forward to enjoying an exciting, productive year at school.  Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions regarding this homework policy or any other matter.

Please read and discuss this homework policy with your child.

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